Weekly Updates:
Reopening Places of Worship
From Father Mike…
You have probably heard the joyful news that our Catholic churches will open again for Masses and Sacraments this Saturday. The difficult news is that, during this first phase of re-opening, the bishop is only allowing 100 people onto the property at one time. That means that once 100 persons are in church, the doors will be closed and no one else will be allowed in. Also, if we have Mass in the church, we are not allowed to have Mass in the hall or outside at the same time.
This is very difficult news, but at least the door has started to open.
Continue reading full document in English or Spanish:
Father Mike’s Announcement for Opening
Mass Times for Opening Weekend
On the weekend of June 13th and 14th we reopened our church doors to the public and are now offering Mass in person per the schedule below. These services can also be watched live from your computer through St. Margaret’s streaming service. Plus, several Masses will be recorded for your convenience. The recording schedule is also listed below.
Mass Times – In Person
7:00a.m. Mass
4:00p.m. Mass
6:00p.m. Mass (Spanish)
7:00 a.m. Mass
9:00 a.m. Mass
11:00 a.m. Mass
1:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish)
5:00 p.m. Mass
7:00 p.m. Mass (Spanish)
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday – Saturday at 7am (English)
Monday – Friday at 6:30pm (Spanish)
Confessions: Saturday mornings at 7:30am
Live Stream Recording Times:
Click on the link to watch: Mass Live Stream Service
Recorded Weekend Masses:
Saturdays at 4pm (English) and 6pm (Spanish)
Sundays at 9am (English) and 1pm (Spanish)
Recorded Weekday Masses:
Monday – Saturday at 7am (English)
Monday – Friday at 6:30pm (Spanish)
Recorded Weekday Prayer:
Rosary (Spanish) – Daily at 8pm
Resource List
Click this link to view a list of local agencies that may be able to help those in need during the Covid crisis. Resource List – Local Area Resources