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Come respond to the universal call to holiness and join us in apostolic works of the New Evangelization!
The Legion of Mary is the largest lay Catholic evangelistic organization in the world! Legion of Mary active members go out two by two each week of the year and tackle specific apostolic works to advance the kingdom of God in an organized and systematic manner. Mary is our patroness.
The founder of the Legion of Mary, the servant of God Frank Duff (1889-1980), was one of the few official lay observers at the Second Vatican Council in 1965. In many ways the Legion of Mary, which he founded on September7, 1921, anticipated by over four decades many of the most important aspects of that Council’s major documents. Our first goal, which is our own sanctification as laypersons, was an emphasis of the universal call to holiness taught in chapter V of Lumen Gentium (the council’s dogmatic Constitution on the Church). Our second goal as laypersons, which is the evangelization of others, is a mission envisioned and called for in the chapter on the laity in that same document. The Council’s teachings in chapter VIII of Lumen Gentium that Mary is our Mediatrix of all Grace, who’s salvific influence upon men flows from, depends upon, and draws all its power from Christ’s superabundant merits, is at the heart of Legion spirituality.
We meet every Thursday at 8:00 am in the Sacred Heart Building Room 3