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Confirmation Season

Welcome! The 2024 – 2025 Confirmation Season


Starting September 16th for Monday participants and

September 17th for Tuesday participants.

Registration will be closing soon for both online and in-person registration.

Image by Alex Woods

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “Preparing for Confirmation should lead the Christian (you) toward a friendship and union with Christ and the Holy Spirit.”  So get ready for a wonderful journey.

The Confirmation team and I are looking forward to sharing this journey of faith with you and your family. We are very excited that you have chosen to receive this sacrament.  We are all praying for you and we all hope this year will be a time of great spiritual growth.


During this journey, you will be given the opportunity to learn more about your Catholic faith and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.


If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us or any of the catechist.

Joe Chiuppi

Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministry

Joe Chiuppi

2024/2025 Confirmation Calendar



OCTOBER 7 & 21



JANUARY 13 & 27


MARCH 3, 17 & 31

APRIL 14 & 28

MAY 12



OCTOBER 8 & 22



JANUARY 14 & 28


MARCH 4 & 18

APRIL 1, 15 & 29

MAY 13


Class Time

Class time starts promptly at 7:00pm

Students need to arrive at least 5 minutes before class starts. 

Retreat Dates

Confirmation Year 1

January 24th

6 PM - 10 PM

Confirmation Year 2

November 22nd - 24th

At the Sacred Heart Retreat Camp

Confirmation Year 3

March 7th - 9th

At the Sacred Heart Retreat Camp

Youth Ministry Sundays

Our program hosts youth ministry nights two Sundays a month after the 5pm Mass.  The youth ministry will meet in the teen center for conversations about faith or for special activities like cooking or painting. These activities begin in October and continue until June.

Confirmation Info Packet

This information packet will give you an overview of the program, including parent participation and the expectations for your student. Please read over the brochure to fully understand the commitment to the Confirmation process and how our program functions.


Confirmation Info - Year 3 Student

The process of preparing for Confirmation culminates during the third year of participation. To ensure you have completed your commitments, please click the following link. It will give you more information about your final projects, including the writing of a saint paper and picking a sponsor.

Service Hours

Confirmation is our yes to being “Christ Like”, and we must reflect Christ in our actions. Therefore, we journey with those preparing for Confirmation in serving our “neighbor” as Christ served. We ask our teens to think outwardly by paying attention to those who are hurting and struggling. Then we give of our time and talents to help those in need. God calls us to serve and we say, “Here I am, Lord!”  It is our hope that our teens receive the Sacrament asking how can I be of service to my parish and the community at large.


Guidelines & Requirements:

  • All confirmation candidates will be responsible for a total of 20 Hours of service due at the end of their third year.  It is suggested that students finish at least five hours after their first year.  It is suggested that students finish at least 10 hours by the completion of their second year.  It is the student’s responsibility to sign in and out at service events, so hours can be recorded by the coordinator.

  • If a student is participating in service projects outside of our program, then they must turn in this service hours sheet. We will only take up to 10 hours from other programs as we want each candidate to serve with their fellow classmates in an effort to foster community.

  • Offsite service hours should reflect work done beyond the usual chores and duties done at home or regular service done for school activities and or clubs/sports.


Examples would include: Lector, Altar Server, Usher/Greeter, Religious Education Aide, Church Cleaners or feeding the homeless, reading to seniors, volunteering at a shelter, library, or city program, etc. to name a few.

Online Make-Up Session

As a way to ensure your student does not fall behind due to absences we have created an online program that will allow your student to make-up a maximum of three missed classes. Please note: this is not intended to replace in-person learning. Before you make-up a class please contact the office to ensure this option is available for your student.

On the Phone

Text Alerts

Please sign up for our text message communication. This is the main way for us to send you important information about your child’s activities and events throughout the year. 


Year 1 Parent:
Text @parentyr1 to the phone number 81010


Year 2 Parent:
Text @parentyr2 to the phone number 81010

Year 3 parents:
Text @parentyr3 to the phone number 81010

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