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Community Outreach

All members of Christ’s universal church are called to share their faith.  Therefore, each member of St. Margaret Mary’s  Catholic Church is to be a servant of Christ on mission in the local and worldwide community. This servanthood is performed in family life, daily work, recreation and social activities, responsible citizenship, the stewardship of property and accumulated resources, the issues of corporate life, and all attitudes toward other persons.  Our ministries of service help to fulfill this mission.  We hope and pray you continue to serve our lord and consider sharing your talents with our mission specific ministries available at our parish.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus
Council #15339

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic Men, 18 years of age and older who are committed to making their Parish and Community a better place and supporting their Church through charitable work. It was founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney. The Order is still true to its founding principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.


  • Second Tuesday Each Month

  • ​6:00 PM - Dinner

  • 7:00 PM - Rosary

  • 7:30 PM - Meeting


  • St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church


Current Grand Knight:
Daniel Wheatley
(909) 996-7465

Deputy Grand Knight:
Louie Duran
(909) 633-4615

Admission Director:
James Hernandez
(909) 964-0450


WHO ARE THE COLUMBIETTES: The Columbiettes, an organization of Catholic women dedicated to our Patronesses, Blessed Virgin Mary, St Therea the Little Flower and St. Joan of Arc, are comprised of affiliated Auxiliaries of the Knights of Columbus Councils.

A Columbiette Auxiliary is in existence only with the consent and approval of the Council with which it is affiliated.  One of our purposes is to aid our Council spiritually, socially and financially.  The Columbiette Auxiliary upon request aids said Council in all its endeavors.


Our purpose is to:

  • Promote the spiritual, social and charitable welfare of our members.

  • To instill a steadfast conviction relating to the proper place and function of Catholic women in safeguarding the religious, civil economic rights of all Catholics.

  • To rely upon the intercession of Mary, our Mother and Model, for guidance in guarding the common good, and to work through her, on loving and aiding all members of the human family and to give assistance to the Knights of Columbus in all their activities upon request.


  • First Monday Each Month

  • 6:45 PM - Rosary

    • Meeting following the rosary


  • St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church


Current President:                                         
Rita Inostroso

Vice President:
Mary Bartlett
(909) 454-9613

Filipino Ministry

The Filipino Ministry promotes the richness, beauty and good values of the Filipino heritage.  Our mission is to serve the Lord through fellowship and community service.  We help identify and respond to the different needs and programs of our parish, as well as the needs of our community and our Church.  We practice solidarity with other ethnic communities and nations in the larger Church community.

In our shared journey towards spiritual growth, we need each other’s support, encouragement and friendship.  We plan and hold different community and cultural activities to promote camaraderie and involvement, develop lay leadership, and build the faith and identity of the Filipinos in our parish.

A highlight each year is our annual Luau, usually held in late August.   This event is an occasion of major fun and fellowship, and the proceeds go to promote parish projects.


  • Weekly on Sundays

  • After 11 AM Mass


  • Sacred Heart Building, Room B


The Homebound Ministry provides a connection for the homebound via parishioners visiting and bringing Holy Communion to those unable to come to mass. Our ministry offers kindness and spiritual support, helping the homebound to remain a part of our faith community. We send forth Eucharistic Ministers to hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private residences to provide comfort, prayer, a patient ear, and most importantly Holy Communion.

Our Homebound Ministry welcomes parishioners to join us in reaching out to our extended church community and offers training to help you get started in this rewarding service.

Parish Library

St. Margaret Mary Library serves our parish with a good selection of materials about Catholic faith, doctrine, church history, prayer, spirituality, popes, saints. Maintaining a peaceful and inviting environment, we encourage our parishioners of all ages to read and learn about our faith through books, CDs, DVDs, Videos. Our monthly gathering on Sunday to view a DVD brings us together, builds friendships and strengthens our faith. Look for Library News in the weekly Bulletin.

person holding open sign

Our mission - “Respect Life is a ministry that recognizes the dignity of each individual as created in the image of God and seeks through faith, hope and love, to protect the sanctity of all God’s children from the moment of conception to natural death.”

Covered in Love is a charitable outreach assisting the Bridges Program connected with Assure Pregnancy Counseling Center in Montclair. Individuals interested in sharing their talent by crocheting, knitting or sewing baby blankets, booties, or caps can deliver their finished gifts to the parish office. The baby booties are given to pregnant women after their first ultrasound as a visual incentive of the gift of life they are deciding to carry. The blankets and caps are given in post- delivery gift baskets to women involved in the Bridges program. Donations of yarn are also accepted.

Spiritual Adoption

Are you aware of a woman who is pregnant and contemplating abortion? Commit to pray for the mother and father during the duration of their pregnancy for the safety of the unborn, the emotional and spiritual health of the parents and the future of all touched by the pregnancy.

To help accomplish this, it was recommended an individual say the following daily prayer for a period of nine months.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”​​

Sanctity of Human Life Course (PMFP Specialization)

Course covers Church teaching and implications of Bioethics, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, Abortion, Human Sexuality and Family Planning.

Contact Marie Widmann or 909-475-5351

Right to Life Resources

Assure Pregnancy Clinic

9675 Monte Vista Ste G

Montclair, CA 91763

(909) 398-4838

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