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Support Groups & Studies

Our Bible studies are a cornerstone of spiritual growth within our parish, offering a rich opportunity to explore the Scriptures in a welcoming and supportive environment. Whether you are new to studying the Bible or have been reading it for years, these groups provide a space to dive deeper into God’s Word, ask questions, and share insights with others. Together, we reflect on how the teachings of the Bible apply to our daily lives, helping us to live out our faith more fully. Joining a Bible study not only enriches your understanding of Scripture but also fosters meaningful connections with fellow parishioners on the same journey.


We gather weekly for food and fellowship, then followed by study on a bible-oriented book.



  • Thursdays

  • 6:30 PM - Meal

  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM - Prayer, Fellowship, and Study



  • Sacred Heart Hall


We also gather weekly for a focused study on a book of the Bible, using the Collegeville Series



  • Saturdays

  • 7:30 - 9:30 AM



  • Sacred Heart Hall - Library


St. Margaret Mary Women’s Fellowship began in 1991 to help women develop a deeper and more personal relationship with Christ and bring scripture into our daily lives with prayerful and practical application.


Our ministry is comprised of 15 groups, each having a facilitator and co-facilitator. We also have leaders in charge of hospitality and music. Leadership is voluntary but may sometimes be appointed when leadership skills are recognized and needed.


We meet for 6 to 8 weeks in the fall and 12 weeks in the winter-spring. Currently there are 200 women registered for this winter’s session, coming from 16 different parishes in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Orange County. They range in age from 19 to 85. We encourage women to invite mothers, daughters and friends to participate and we welcome women of all faiths to join us.



  • Thursdays

  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM



  • Parish Hall​


This winter we are doing a bible study called Becoming a Woman of Faith. During the time we meet women are encouraged to voluntarily participate in an outreach to Mary’s Table in San Bernardino that feeds and clothes the needy in our community by contributing clothing, rice, beans and tomato sauce that is taken to Mary’s Table weekly. Women from our ministry yearly participate in the Pro-Life walk during the spring and the Pro-Life fashion show in the fall. We also have a yearly retreat in October held at Mission San Luis Rey and make shoe boxes for the homeless at Mary’s Table/San Bernardino for Christmas.


Women from our ministry are actively involved in many parish ministries in churches they belong to: Eucharist Ministers; lectors; decorating the church for the holidays; participate in the choir; on the parish and financial council; in rosary prayer groups; Pro-Life ministry; religious education – all enhancing the spiritual and community life of their parishes.


Jesus is more known and loved by every woman who participates and they are greatly blessed by the prayers, support and friendships made.


Alpha is a Christian renewal process for adults that seeks to bring deeper life and intention to your faith by refocusing on the center of it all: Jesus Christ.  Its method is to gather people together for 12 consecutive Wednesday evenings to enjoy a festive meal, watch a brief film by evangelist Nicky Gumbel, and share some faith questions.  The process is non-judgmental and focuses on our Savior and His teachings.  There is also a special retreat.  Alpha is the primary evangelization process of our parish.  For more information check out the Alpha ministry video below.




We are  LGBTQ +, we are Catholics, we are baptized, we are members of the family of St. Margaret Mary’s seeking a friendship with our Lord Jesus Christ, Fellowship with our brothers and sisters, peace and unity for the Body of Christ of which we are a part of. We promote Love, Hope, Respect, Simplicity, Sincerity and emphasize the inherent dignity of all persons. Because all have been made worthy by His Sacrifice, and all have been called to belong.


We strive to provide a safe space for dialogue, growth, learning, and faith sharing. We welcome all who would like to follow our friend Jesus by the hand of our mother Mary, guidance of the Holy Spirit, and love of God our Father to love and serve each other with the talents and gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit. We are gifted and called. All are welcome, all belong.

Letter from the Bishop
Little Rock

Estudio Biblico de
Little Rock 

La Clase de Biblia Little Rock, es un curso adaptado para todas las personas, está comprometido a brindar más conocimiento bíblico, y prácticas para personas interesadas en conocer a Dios a través de sus Sagradas Escrituras y el Mandamiento Nuevo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que nos amemos los unos a los otros. Los Evangelios nos ofrecen cuatro encuentros con Jesús, estos nos revelan a Jesús de modos distintos, a través de los cuatro evangelistas: Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan. Un Evangelio es una forma Literaria única. Su objetivo es anunciar, introducir, persuadir, instruir, llamar al arrepentimiento y en último término llamar a cada uno a la conversión.


Un relato sencillo y objetivo de los acontecimientos que nos dan más fuerza para seguir en el Camino del Señor. Cada uno de los escritores es un evangelista que comparte la buena noticia de Jesús. Sus palabras son instrumentos poderosos para transmitir la Buena Noticia. Aprendemos como Jesús enseñaba con la autoridad de obras magníficas y hechos poderosos, nos llama al arrepentimiento, a tener un encuentro personal con
Jesús y una mejor comprensión del Plan Salvífico de Dios.


Como el entusiasmo de Pentecostés animó a los primeros fieles en sus luchas por establecer comunidades de fe (sorprendentemente estas luchas se
parecen a las de nuestros días). Conocimiento de dos de los principales líderes de la Iglesia Primitiva que son: Pedro y Pablo.


El propósito final de esta clase es crecer en valores morales y espirituales, sirviendo a Dios a través del compañerismo, el servicio parroquial y comunitario. Promueve el trabajo en equipo, la unidad, la confianza en el Señor, la generosidad, la oración, la caridad, la
reintegración a los Sacramentos y más……Te esperamos!



  • Nos reunimos todos los Jueves

  • 7:15 pm



  • El salón B, del centro Sagrado Corazón​


The Synod is a way of coming and journeying together as one church through mutual dialog so that we can discern and fulfill our mission in this world. Our church will hold listening sessions with various groups to provide the entire people of God an opportunity to share their concerns and participate in the Catholic Church renewal.  The Synodal process follows the footsteps of Jesus who sought out and saved the forgotten, encountered people one-to-one, listened and changed their lives.


What is a Synod and why are we, the Catholic Church, going through this process:

  1. Synod means “Common Road” or “Walking Together”.

  2. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, invites us to participate in the Synod on a sequence of Communion, Participation and Mission.

  3. The Synod process is one of communal discernment rather than individual discernment (Pope Francis). As such, we are called to journey through this process together.

  4. Within this Synod journey, we will talk, listen, pray, and discern where God is calling us as a church.

  5. It is a time for us to dream together and to share our hopes for renewal in the Church.

  6. Led by the Holy Spirit, the Synod process is designed for the church to listen to all communities we serve (past & present, interior & exterior).

  7. Listening will take place in structured, group Listening Sessions as well as informally with individual or small group conversations.

  8. Listening sessions will ask parishioners and ex-parishioners, along with communities outside of the church (Other denominations, community leaders, the neglected, etc.) for their input on the future direction of the church.

  9. The feedback we gather will be documented and summarized. The resulting document will be sent to our Diocese. The Diocese will then assemble the data they receive from all participating parishes into a single document which they will forward up to the next level (and so on).

  10. The information collected will be used by the Catholic Church as a whole, as well as our parish, to build the “Common Road” on which we can “Walk Together”. The ultimate destination for all collected feedback will be the Vatican. The feedback we gather from our Synod will also provide us with guidance for the Pastoral Plan at St. Margaret Mary Parish.


The Spanish Prayer Group meets weekly for scripture study, charismatic prayer, faith formation, intercession, healing and community.  We are committed to evangelization.



  • Fridays

  • 7:00 pm



  • Sacred Heart Hall, Room B​


Join us at one of our Days of Prayer and our annual retreat!

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