
RRR Church Renovations Project Update

We’re excited to share the latest progress on our RRR Church Renovations Project! The architect has now contracted all the key consultants—mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and lighting engineers. They are currently working on specifying materials and incorporating all the details into the construction drawings. These drawings  will be submitted for approval to the City of Chino and will guide the contractors through the remodeling process. This project phase is on track to be completed by the end of the year. Please continue to pray and support the RRR project.

Actualización del proyecto de renovación de la iglesia RRR

¡Estamos emocionados de compartir el último progreso en nuestro Proyecto de Renovación de la Iglesia RRR! El arquitecto ahora ha contratado a todos los consultores clave — ingenieros mecánicos, eléctricos, de plomería e iluminación. Actualmente están trabajando en la especificación de materiales e incorporación de todos los detalles en los planos de construcción. Estos planos se presentarán para su aprobación a la ciudad de Chino y guiarán a los contratistas a través del proceso de remodelación. Esta fase del proyecto está en camino de completarse a finales de año. Por favor, continúe orando y apoyando el proyecto RRR.

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 20, 2024):
Mark 10:35-45

Gospel Summary:
In this passage, James and John ask Jesus for seats of honor in His kingdom, seeking to sit at His right and left hand. Jesus responds by challenging them to understand the cost of discipleship, asking if they can “drink the cup” He will drink. He explains that positions of honor are for those prepared by God and emphasizes that true greatness comes from being a servant to others. Jesus contrasts worldly authority with His call to serve, stating that He came not to be served but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.

The passage teaches about humility, servanthood, and the nature of leadership in God’s kingdom. It challenges us to let go of personal ambitions and adopt a mindset of service, following Jesus’ example of sacrificial love.

Reflection Questions:

  • How can you embody the spirit of servanthood in your daily life?
  • In what ways can you put others’ needs before your own?

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (October 27, 2024):
Mark 10:46-52

Gospel Summary:
This reading recounts the healing of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who calls out to Jesus for mercy. Despite being told to be quiet, Bartimaeus persistently seeks Jesus’ attention. Jesus hears him, calls him over, and asks what he wants. When Bartimaeus asks to regain his sight, Jesus heals him, saying that his faith has saved him. Bartimaeus then follows Jesus along the way.

The story highlights the importance of faith, persistence in prayer, and recognizing one’s need for God’s help. It encourages us to approach Jesus with trust and seek spiritual healing.

Reflection Questions:

  • When have you felt the need to call out to Jesus in your life?
  • How can you strengthen your faith, like Bartimaeus, even in challenging times?


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